♥What's past, let it go! Cherish the future, hold it tight.
Monday, January 31, 2011 ; 1:47:00 AM {♥}
firstly we went up then went cycling; chitchat; fool around, then went up outlet then go bishan; had long john sliver; by right movie bud no show then shopping there, then go city square mall then howm sweet home to outlet to help out in closing -.- stupid thing. then sherman pei me wait for bus(: haha. then home sweet home(:
eh you, turn nineteen le, there is so many thing out there you should think more clearly before you do every single step. dont use your stubborn to step on people and your attitude to make people dislike you.
meet quak & qin then trained down to ms to meet xialiu & banana for bowling session. miss those time when we are playing bowling. i did something paiseh cannot say here. haha. every single moments we share is the best(: after that we went trained down to 313 there to take neoprints then went to xin wang hondkong cafe for dinner(: because we are very hungry le so no choice just choose and eat HAHAH~ then walk about then home sweet home(: then we all went back to cook our dish and prepare for the suprise later(: i cook fried rice, banana cook sweet and sour pork, xialiu cook soup and qin cook veg(: then we meet up at around 2300hrs. maybe i started to be nervous. haha. then we went to quak house around 23plusplus. then we carry with out mission bud we did not really success haha. then we sing song for her when you found out us. then after that we went into her house and help her continue to celebrate(: then after that home sweet home. then the next day we went to her house for dinner(: had fun too. her mother keep on ask us to eat ar eat ar. haha.
yes finished shopping new year clothes(: so happy^^
i would like to thanks one of mynextofkin(:
recently too many thing happened up in one full shot till i cant take it. i just need someone to talk to that's all. thanks for being 24 hrs over there for me listen to me nag about something that dont related to you. everytime after i talk to you i will feel more better and relax. i understand that 希望越大,失望越大。the biggest hope you have, the more sad you are. i have never notice that i have been so emo the past few years. from you i really learnt and understand more thing. at times being is emo is better than being awake, or i should say is rather to pretend you dont know anything then know everything. putting up a fake smile is better than putting a real smile. dont worry i am not thinking negative again bud is just that i dont know. i also understand that : does not mean that you are born to be ugly you are just a maid to other people. If the guys just see your appearance then forget it is not worth it. As long as your heart is pretty no matter how many guys you met there is alway one that will fall in love with you(: i will fight for my everything and i will not flight it off(: thanks so much(:
to some idoit!
Friday, January 14, 2011 ; 1:08:00 AM {♥}
wishes, wishes & lastly wishes(:
2011 photo gonna start talking(:
from 1st january till 13 january, i definely had a lot of fun thru out.
During the 7-01-11(:
as usual work goes on. i end work at 9 so i went to buy some present for him(: is a very cute pink bloster.So we ask D to come down to find us(: we end work then went mac for supper. though D will be the one who treat end up kristine treat. bud anyway thanks(: we had fun there and i took the video(: can go to my fb can check out(: bud is only for my friend:P then home sweet home(: all those credits goes to me, jinshan, kristine and lastly chenjie(:
During the 12-01-11(:
me, xiaojun and cloud went to nex mall and walk walk then followed by city square mall. nothing to say:P
During the 13-01-11(:
i meet cloud as usual first at inter to buy something and followed by lunch then go watch moive and catch up with jinshan, chenjie and ivy(: we went to nex mall and shop then went for dinner. chenjie brought some clothes for cloud(: then after that we went to this shop for dinner. omg, i never expect that the bowl is so big. And something not nice, i think the pepper is FOC de ar, put so many kuku to the max. then went swensen for dessert(: and give D suprise. we celebrate cloud advance there toos(: we buy cake for her. then we order banana crumb, brownie & blondie(: all so sweet going fatter because of those thing. omg then dont know why got fries come up end up we cant finished the fries omg. haha. then we slack till ard 10 plus then go off(: home sweet home after that(:
if i have choose to let go, please dont come back
i am so sick of wasting water everytime i think back.
let me find someone whom is better & let me off please):
Only Me:D
Official insane(:
Most important do not touch my nextofkin(:
More info, you dont need to know. Judge me not by the cover page of my book, but deep true my heart(:
Next To Kin (:
We met one another coincidentally arrange by fate, fate made us to be good friends. So, our life meant to be meaningful having one another around. We aruge, quarrel, make mistake and forgiven by one another. No one is perfect, every mistake we made make us bond more. Therefore, I sincerely thanks all of your being a part of my life. Showering me with love that i had never had. Always lending a pair of hand & shoulder & listening for me. Your turn my negatives into positives, letting me know no matter what happen, i can lose everything but not your. We will continue walk throughout no matter what :)
Dont stop the chit-chatting
♥내가 미안 친구
What's past could not turn back anymore. Let everything to become memories & mistake at a part of our life. From stranger - friend - sister - friend - stranger. Time to let go, even though is never easy but we still have to. Basically no one to blame, but our pride. We are too selfish losing our pride that's why thing turn out like that. Forgive & forget, move on. There is no such thing as 'without you' or 'without me' life could not move on. As long as we move on, the hatred in it will dissolve & will have peace. Nothing is impossible as long as you move on(:
GoodBye friend.! All the best(: