Wednesday, November 4, 2009 ; 7:07:00 PM {♥}
last day at tampines. huhu my one weeks passes so fast and almost did not notice it. sad because leaving and i could not see those cute clients again): they are nice even though they are diagnose with different illness. during this one week never even go where after that because damn tired. :O bud nevermind because i already completed my posting(: that night sister came down and find me, so nice of her this is what i think bud end up is because she got something to tell me(: kidding bud she really got something to tell me okay. then saw her primary friend, cannot remember her name opps. sit down and chit chatting then home sweet home(:
working again even requested for off but still have to work bud is only 7 to 12(: gosh so many promotion, i am dying soon with those promotion. aiyos. the renovation is so noisy. end up customer came and heard the sound complain is too noisy and walk off omg. went lunch with sister then shop for her thing. i keep on yawning. then back to inter to find min & jas for project. so sian. after that project went to buy spec. waiting my spec to be done and i dont need keep wear contact lens): it hurts my eyes. your will say why dowan to spec le, confirm is because wanted to be pretty then wear contact bud the real reason is because my degree increase and i am waiting for pay to done a new spec(: new spec will be arriving on sat(: then went home for dinner with family excluding my dad. then early sleep and prepare for next day(:
working 12 to 5 and guess what i saw him gosh. haha(: end work rush to grandmother house(: for celebration. on the way dont know what the mao and i doing. then me and my small uncle very funny. my cousin got no manner and dont know how come got angry and walk off so me and my small uncle said: he come big aunty(da yi ma), then i said eh, he is a guy lehhx how come will come big aunty should be big uncle:P end up kena scolded haha(: was a nice chat with my small uncle, he even teaches me a loads. i never regret living at my grandmother hus. i love her more than anyone(: no one can replace her in my heart. she stand the most(: then have a early home sweet home because going back ttsh for attachment and i am the morning shift de(:
i have already tried all my best to let go
bud is so hard and i dowan to be the party
of the relationship. just let me silence for one
moments maybe it will be better(: